Kennedys Negotiation

Protect (and grow)

Shareholder value
Portfolio companies
Pricing power
Gross margins
Cost efficiencies
Cash flow
Effective decisions
Strategic alliances
Market value
Winning culture
Team innovation
Joint ventures
Commercial potential

For over 40 years, Kennedys is the trusted advisor to CEOs, boards, and investors on negotiation strategies that achieve commercial imperatives and drive shareholder returns.

We help clients decide who should negotiate, building winning negotiation teams that drive market value, increase margins, reduce costs, boost productivity, secure joint ventures, and leverage partnerships.

We are proud that the Kennedy Method is deeply embedded in half of the original FTSE 100 and taught at top business schools worldwide

The Only Evidence-Based Negotiation Method

"Sometimes my colleagues give away too much to close a deal, leaving my team with less to work with,"

noted a client CFO, highlighting how theoretical approaches that ignore the true dynamics of negotiation drive costly concessions and erode value.

Our approach to negotiating is not evangelical. Kennedy’s evidence-based methodology offers a practical framework for managing negotiation as a phased process.

It equips executives and teams to precisely identify each phase, manage strategic moves, and use behaviours that are appropriate for effective and successful processing of that phase

Identify the current negotiation phase

Manage the movement from initial entry to settlement positions

Negotiate effectively by fusing results and relationships into a ‘purple’ behaviour.

Bespoke & Proven Negotiation Solutions

Excellence in negotiation prepares, propels, and protects your commercial and operational imperatives

  • Cost-Effective Impact:
    We surpass off-the-shelf solutions and inflexible negotiation consultants by embedding Train‑the‑Trainer programmes that build enduring capability.
  • Customised Confidence:
    As the creators of the 8-Step/Four-Phase Approach, we offer the only fully customisable negotiation methodology.
  • Pioneering Leadership:
    Since 1982, our groundbreaking negotiation training film and bespoke simulations have set the benchmark across all sectors.

Commercial & Operational Imperatives

Negotiation Excellence Power


Kennedy’s Levels of Impact

Negotiation has a long history, perhaps even a pre-history. At Kennedys, negotiation is our exclusive focus; and we deliver results that drive your bottom line. Our founders coined the term “Real‑world Negotiation” to stress that success comes from practical, results-oriented responses to real challenges

1978 Before google
"The 8-Step Approach has directly impacted the way we work in our companies. It provides managers with a credible and simple negotiation tool that is very powerful" John Benson – Board Member, Scottish & Newcastle, Nabisco, and Reed Packaging
2015 After ChatGPT
"I searched far and wide the most prominent material on negotiation available today and am convinced that the Kennedy methodology is superior in its clarity and practical applicability" Bertie Du Plessis – CLO, Naspers

Thought Leadership

Industry Leaders Depend on Kennedy Negotiation Model